Afrofuture by Kai Adia

Today is now tomorrow

the shift happens in darkness,

worlds are created in darkness,

inside of me is darkness.

Look down my throat,

you will see

the space that lives between stars

a darkness

no word can fathom

it teems with power

to create...

This power is instilled in our bodies.

Darkness in various shades.

Darkness cultivated from this earth.

We flourish

populating this earth

with our brilliance.

People have the nerve to forget

what we started,

but we know

there is nothing without darkness

no language

no culture

no science

no power

We reflect the cosmos.

Today is now tomorrow

we must revel

in our darkness.

Kai Adia resides in Los Angeles and writes sci-fi short stories and introspective poetry. She also explores fantasy, surrealism, and the natural world in her work. Kai graduated from Pitzer College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Environmental Analysis and English & World Literature. To learn about her upcoming projects and past work, follow her at

Kinsale Hueston